It’s Engineers Week! Meet Nick.

It’s Engineers Week! A time where we can celebrate the role of engineers and specifically, the engineers at RGS who make our clients ideas a reality. As a 2021 graduate of York College, Nick is one of our newest engineers and we are lucky to have him on our team!
Why did you go into Civil Engineering?
I have always been really into math as well as being able to design a little. I feel as though Civil Engineering was a good middle ground where I was able to do both.
What difference or value do you contribute to your client/projects every day?
While I haven’t necessarily gotten to see many of the projects that I have worked on be constructed yet, I have been able to see the process. Being able to see something that you help create be used in the real world by hundreds or thousands of other people is very satisfying.
What’s something you feel is constantly evolving or changing – something you always need to be up to date on?
The rules and regulations of counties/townships/municipalities/states… Having to work with government related agencies can make the process of designing and constructing just about anything, a lot more difficult and time consuming. To help with this it is helpful to be up to date with the newest policies for that area to make sure that you know what does and doesn’t need to be completed.
What is your standout skill set – what do you think you excel at or what is your differentiator?
My standout skill would be anything related to math and numbers in general. Math has always come pretty easy to me and allowed me to understand numbers quicker and easier.
What is something you didn’t expect to use that you now use?
I didn’t expect to have so much paperwork involved in submittals. I expected there to be some but there are a lot of forms that need to be filled out, even for a small submittal that will have minimal impact.
What’s your passion – what drives you?
My passion is to provide a product that I can be proud to say I helped create. The work that we do at RGS can be seen by many, so creating the best product possible and putting my best foot forward is what drives me to be my best.
What makes you proud working at RGS?
I am proud of the family feel that RGS has. Even though I haven’t been here long, I feel like I already know everybody who works in the Lancaster office. Even with Covid and everything else that has been going, everyone has been very nice to me and helped me get situated into the job and been very helpful whenever I have questions.
Biggest mistake/lesson learned – what did you learn from it?
My biggest mistake during my time at RGS was putting labels on the wrong sheets. I then had to go back and spend hours making sure that all the labels were moved to the correct sheets. From this I learned to make sure to ask any question that I may have especially when it is one of my first times doing something. Somebody will know the answer to your question and its better to be safe than sorry when it comes to asking questions.