The Start of a New Look for the Borough of Camp Hill
Neighbors and Smith is a mixed-use commercial development situated on a 1.25-acre property in the heart of the Borough of Camp Hill. The property was redeveloped and transformed into professional offices situated over a first-floor restaurant and retail space. The project comprised two mixed-use buildings, parking, stormwater management facilities, and associated utility services.
Unique Sitework Challenges In and Out of the Building
One of the largest challenges of the Neighbors and Smith project was completing the site redevelopment while the buildings’ commercial tenants operated businesses in the space. Uncontrolled street access along the main transportation corridor also added challenges. Our design team working closely with Borough officials to integrate the project’s design into an overall streetscape enhancement plan for Market Street.
RGS also worked with TPD, the project’s transportation engineers, to design and permit both on and off-street parking, on-site stormwater controls, and realigned curb cuts to improve both pedestrian and vehicular safety.
The RGS team’s overall stormwater management strategy utilized both surface treatment and underground systems to maintain and protect the water quality of a nearby receiving stream channel. Our team worked alongside the developer, contractor, and material vendors during the design process to assess and ensure suitability for functional needs.
Unforeseeable Construction Challenges Added to the Complexity of the Project
Site construction challenges occurred consistently throughout the site’s redevelopment. Unknown conditions and challenging geologic constraints resulted in several changes in direction for the design and construction team. Swift adaptations proved to be part of the dynamic challenge in maintaining the delivery schedule for this high-profile redevelopment project.
Working Closely with The Borough to Support its Streetscape Master Plan
Before the Neighbors and Smith site redevelopment project began, the Borough finalized a Streetscape Master Plan and Economic Development Plan. RGS worked in collaboration with the borough to ensure alignment with its developed plans for a streetscape to complement the downtown street atmosphere and aesthetic of the front façades of nearby properties. The streetscape enhancements our team proposed now serve as the initial implementation of an overall enhancement project being undertaken by the Borough of Camp Hill.