Kelly Rallies RGS for the Gift of Life Family House

While RGS does a lot of charitable work and donations as a company, something we love even more is when our employees rally together to support one another’s passions and individual missions. Five years ago Kelly Albright, a Project Designer, did one of the most selfless and life saving acts of kindness one could do. She voluntarily donated one of her kidney’s to someone she didn’t know, whom has since become second family. Kelly’s family is what spurred her giving heart. This year marks ten years since her nephew Evans’ motorcycle accident and thus him donating his gifts to save over 75 people’s lives. Additionally, this year is five years since her sister Ellen, Evan’s mom, donated one of her kidneys to help someone she knew. To learn more about Kelly’s story – read her online article here.
Kelly is involved with the Gift of Life and Organ Donation Awareness. And as part of that, and wanting to honor her nephew Evan’s ten year anniversary, she rallied her friends, family, colleagues and volunteer organizations to donate to the Gift of Life Family House in Philadelphia. The Gift of Life Family House is a Home Away from Home to transplant patients and their families by providing temporary, affordable lodging, and supportive services to those who travel to Philly for transplant-related care. You can read more at Gift of Life Family House – Support and Lodging for Organ Transplant Patients and Families.
We are so proud of Kelly and all that she does for friends, family, and community. She is always the first to donate time, goods and passion and make an impact wherever she can. She is always uplifting and positive and willing to do whatever is called of her. If you are interested in learning more about the Family House, their needs or donating, click here. They make it easy with an Amazon Wish List as well – just click, buy and it’s on it’s way.
Thanks Kelly for rallying all of us behind something so special and dear to your heart!