RGS Supports Tel Hai Community Expansion of Residences and Amenities for Seniors
Tel Hai is located on 149 acres in the farmlands of Chester County. The existing campus consists of 332 residential, personal care, and healthcare units. For nearly two decades, RGS has worked with our client on multiple campus repositioning projects and a campus master plan that nearly doubled the size of the community with 97 independent living cottages, 229 apartments, Stonecroft Commons Building, Community Building, and numerous outdoor amenities.
Master Planning to Preserve Woodlands and Accommodate Growth
RGS worked with Tel Hai to develop a master plan to transform the undeveloped northern and western portions of their campus into a site for new independent living apartments, cottages, and outdoor living spaces. The master plan preserved the existing viewsheds and woodlands and provided new recreational opportunities in the form of walking trails across the site. RGS thoughtfully incorporated stormwater best management practices throughout the site and included detention and infiltration facilities such as rain gardens.
RGS also represented Tel Hai throughout the local and state approval processes to acquire land planning and environmental entitlements needed to see the community’s master plan become a reality.
Community Amenities Enhance the Resident Experience
RGS designed a large open space for the community which features a clubhouse, amphitheater, tennis court, and community garden. An extensive trail network was also designed to give residents access between the community’s open meadows and thick woodlands, and to amenities like its clubhouse and indoor competition swimming pool. With this latest expansion, Tel Hai and RGS once again added to the beauty of the retirement community for its residents.