Meet Kirsten.
Last but definitely not least, we would like to introduce you to our final Summer intern. Meet Kirsten Linn. Kirsten will be a senior this year at Penn State, majoring in Landscape Architecture. Want to learn about Kirsten, her love of dogs why she picked RGS? Then I invite you to read below and get a little familiar with Kirsten. Welcome aboard!
Q: What made you decide to want to major in your field?
A: I’ve always loved public outdoor spaces and the environment. Additionally, I have always had a creative eye, so I thought landscape architecture would be a perfect fit for me.
Q: What is your favorite aspect of your field of study?
A: Graphics, specifically creating boards, diagrams, and perspectives.
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I am the Graphic Design Captain for THON at Penn State, which involves creating all of the graphics that are related to the organization. I also love to travel and hang out with my friends, family, and dogs.
Q: Do you have any phobias?
A: Spiders and Ghosts.
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: The Proposal.
Q: What is your favorite food –the meal you could eat every single day?
A: Mac and Cheese.
Q: What is something you can’t live without?
A: Dogs – animals in general.
Q: On a level of 1-10, how good are you at excel?
A: 4.
Q: What excites you about RGS?
A: Meeting new people and working at both the York and Harrisburg offices.
Q: Why did you pick RGS?
A: It’s a large firm in Central Pa and RGS completes a wide variety of types of projects.